It’s finally here… FINALLY!  Want it?  Click the image to buy your own copy.


And just to see who reads my blog, I’m going to give a copy away… Between now and Friday (that’s March 9th), leave me a comment with an email address, and you have a chance to win your very own copy.

Want to know what you’re winning?  Here it is:

When Bobby Gaston walks into a diner and orders a beer with his breakfast, he can’t quite remember why he needs the fortification. While he wants to remember, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to know what happened. He strikes up a conversation with the cute little waitress, Sheila, who offers him a ride back to the house on Normandy Road where he claims his ghost-hunter friends are sleeping after a night of exploration in the spooky old mansion.

Only, Bobby knows his friends aren’t just sleeping. He inherited the house from his grandfather, and while his memory is hazy, his unerring knowledge that something evil lurks inside makes him hesitate. But with the spunky and impetuous Sheila by his side, the darkness doesn’t seem so bad… until she leaves him hanging.

Bobby is left with two options: turn tail and run, or face his personal demons while fighting against the evil that waits for him.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble | No Boundaries Store

Oh, yeah… it’s got a five-star review at Amazon and a four-star rating at Barnes & Noble.


  1. You’ve already got my email address… now, when will you confess that I was the inspiration for your biggest hit? Seriously, looking forward to the read…

  2. I already read it and it was great. I don’t scare easy but I was at the end of my seat ready to run. I was looking for someone to read it to me and tell what was happening it was so scary. It was well written so I made it through.

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