That’s right, folks… I’m back and ready to do some more damage! Thankfully my publisher tolerates me more than he should, which means brand new […]
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

The Return of #FoodPorn: Friday Night Dinner!
So we all know that dinner is hard work, particularly when you’ve been ultra-busy, you’ve gotten home late, and you’re feeding a family of five. […]
Bad Decisions, Social Justice, and the ConCarolinas Kerfluffle
Why my attendance at ConCarolinas is more important than my absence.
Dear People Without Kids…
You know, it truly amazes me the things I hear while out in the wild. Humanity never ceases to astound me with its unintentional ignorance, […]
Houston, We Have a Problem.
Thoughts on yesterday’s senseless violence, #guncontrol, and the need for Americans to be reasonable.
#Romance Writers are Not Beneath You
Of all the things I have in mind to write about now that I’m reviving the blog, this one got shoved to the forefront. A […]
In Memoriam
Last week, the world lost a truly special soul. I had the good fortune to have Brenda in my life for fourteen years. My only […]
Rethinking the Thinking
So I tried to mothball this thing awhile back and if we’re perfectly honest, it didn’t work. I have too many thinks and logging into […]
The End of an Era
Hey, y’all… So you know how sometimes people hit a wall? I’ve done that. For the last six years, I’ve been moonlighting as two different […]