The last six months have been… let’s say…trying. Real life has come down on the top of my head in a big, nasty way and for a very, very long portion of those months, I wasn’t doing anything at all but playing mommy, driving all over Hell and half of Georgia, and trying to sleep when I could. In the past six months I’ve had a baby, lost my father, buried two cats (one of mine and one of my mother-in-law’s), attended the funeral of my husband’s best friend’s grandmother, and lost two other friends, one under extremely suspicious circumstances.  It hasn’t been easy.

The good news?

I’m finally writing again. FINALLY.

I’ve told you already about Devil’s Daughter, scheduled to hit eShelves in September and Rock N’ Roll Angel, scheduled for the Splatterpunk Anthology Release sometime in October, right?

Well hold on to your hats, kids.  There’s more.

Something about Fandom Fest really inspired me to get off my duff and do what I love again. I have been, and it feels great. In the last 30 days, I have submitted three stories:


1. Easy as Pie went to Necro Publications’ Into the Darkness Anthology Call

2. Wolfy went to John Hartness and Kerlak Publishing for the Big Bad Anthology Call

3. Skippin’ Stoneswas just packed up and sent to the Deep Cuts Anthology Call. I did it ten minutes ago.


They’re done, filed, and off my writing plate. It feels fabulous.  Pushing those off on someone else has opened up my writing world to all these other crazy projects. So here’s what’s next on my plate:


1. James R. Tuck’s Sword & Sorcery Anthology Call through Seventh Star Press. I have two ideas for this and they’re battling like mad in my head.

2. My Soul Collectors Series. Devil’s Daughter is the first taste of that series, and I can’t wait to really get going on it.

3. The Steampunk Horror Novel. I’m 30,000 words into it, have no title, and don’t have a clue exactly how I’m going to end it… but I’m having fun with it. Over the last few months it has turned into a bit of an homage to Frankenstein, which is hands-down my favorite horror novel of all time.


There are all manner of other fringe projects, but those are my three priorities. If I can get them done and out of the way my IN PROGRESS folder will shrink considerably.

I guess that means I should stop stalling on the internet and get back to work, huh?

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