Y’know, real life really needs to stop getting in the way of my fun.  While the Backlist Bash has kept my blog moving without me, I’m ashamed to say I haven’t had much to do with its success. Real job and family issues derailed me for a large portion of the month.

I had a series of posts scheduled to go up last week that managed to get eaten by the internet gods, but never fear… the unfortunate authors who fell victim to my digital illiteracy will have their moments to shine.  Because I screwed up, I’m extending our little party to November 2.

And here’s what’s on tap for the remainder of the Bash:

10/26: Tom Olbert
10/29: Scorned Book Tour (Tyffani Clark)
10/30: Tuesday Tales
10/31: ME! (Shameless Plug? YOU BET.)
11/01: Selah Janel
11/02: Lucy Blue

After this week, I suppose it’s up to me to get off my duff and start entertaining the masses, huh? I’ll work on that… I think. As long as someone tells work and real life to GO AWAY for awhile.