We’re taking a break (sort of) from our party this week to welcome the lovely and talented TYFFANI CLARK KEMP!

She’s here today promoting her debut novel, SCORNED.  It’s the first in the LeKrista Scott, Vampire Hunted Series. While the story is a very new release, technically it fits into the Backlist Bash theme. After all, she’s an author with a book to sell! Let’s see what she has to say about it:



LeKrista Scott has killed a vampire, and now his lover wants revenge.

After months of watching her from the shadows, Lucretious, a millennia old vampire, finally makes his attack during a party thrown by his maker, Roman – a party where Roman proclaims his protection over LeKrista. Roman steps in and saves her life, but not before she deals Lucretious the true death in front of his lover, Perdita. Now LeKrista is running for her life and Roman is trying to save it, but she’s not sure if he really cares or if he has some underhanded reason for keeping her alive. She seeks help from Mages but they refuse to help her, even though she exhibits high potential as a Mage herself. In a last ditch effort, Roman whisks LeKrista away, but Perdita finds them. LeKrista must eliminate Perdita one way or another.



Amazon Kindle Store


Who Published Scorned?

TCK: I self published to Kindle on October 15.

Tell us a little bit about what you had to go through to get this story published. 

TCK: Just a lot of rewrites and the hard decision of whether I really wanted to go Indie or not.  It’s not an easy choice.  You look at people like Amanda Hocking and E. L. James and you think “I want that!!!” but you know in your head – you really have to force yourself to believe – that it isn’t going to happen like that for you.  At the same time, you eliminate a lot of middle men when you go Indie.  I didn’t submit this story at all, but I have rewritten a lot to make sure it’s the best that it can be.  Then I sent it out to friends and complete strangers so they could tell me where it needed work, if it was any good.  That was hard.  It scares me to have people read my work.  I know it’s good, but that doesn’t mean anyone else will.  This story was originally the first and second in the series, but I deleted a lot and mushed the two together so I had a better story and we got to the point a little faster.

On Writing: What’s the hardest part for you? 

TCK: The first one hundred pages and the rewrites.  Until I get to the 100th page I just don’t feel like the story is moving along at all.  And Edits…ugh.  I’d rather be slogging through the first 100 pages of a new piece than going over something I’ve already done.

Editors: Good or Evil? 

Eh.  Depends.  I’ve had good ones, I’ve had bad ones.  I think they are necessary, but I don’t think they should try to write the book for me. lol

Now that this book has been released into the world, what’s next for you? 

TCK: I’m working on editing the first in another series.  It’s called Whisper and it’s completely different, more along the lines of what I usually write.  Vampires are relatively new for me.  My favorite thing to write is science fiction.  I love aliens!  Whisper is about a school teacher who gets caught up in a political conspiracy when her husband chooses to be unfaithful with the Governor Candidates daughter.  I was hoping to have that one out this year also.  We will see what happens.

Random: If you could go back in time and change one event, what would it be?  

TCK: I normally try to just learn from experiences, but I recently had a roommate that screwed me over pretty bad.  I’d change that if I could, but it was also a good learning experience. I know better now.


Be sure to catch Tyffani on her next stop
November 5th at