…but no, I’m not feeling particularly good this morning.

It’s January 2, 2014. It’s a new year, which means another new beginning. It also means putting yet another mostly horrible year behind me. And it went out with quite the bang, let me tell you. I was away from the real job for nearly two weeks during the holidays, and there wasn’t a single day that something crazy wasn’t going on.

For those that don’t know, my husband has Crohns Disease. There will be a post about it later, but right now I mention it just to preface the madness that is this post. What living with Crohns means for us, is that nothing is ever normal. The last two weeks have been no exception.We’ve been through iron treatments, medication changes, blood transfusions, ER visits…you name it. It’s been rough, more for him than for me since he’s the one scared that he’s going to die with no explanation, but my stress level has been through the roof.

In the last two weeks, there have been three visits to doctors, a sick toddler, a sick teenager, a minor car accident, two ER visits, a funeral, and two major holidays. To say we’ve been on an adventure would be a serious understatement.

But you know what? We’re resilient. Both of us. We’ve been to hell and back together over the last eleven years (more than once, I might add), and we’re not going to let this stop us. We’ve both lost our fathers in fairly traumatic ways, we’ve been sick, we’ve screamed and fought, we’ve survived a ridiculous custody battle for a child that’s now eighteen years old, we’ve battled his illness, we’ve lost friends and family and nearly ourselves a time or two, but through it all, we’re still here. And that means something. Bill is my constant companion. He’s my best friend, my sounding board, and my muse. Yeah, he gets under my skin and our togetherness has a shelf-life of about three days before we’re searching for a bus to throw each other in front of, but even that passes. But he’s there for me when I need him. He stands by me no matter what on this crazy adventure I call authorship, and he always reminds me that even when I’m feeling sorry for myself and wanting to give up, that I have it in me to do better. To do more. He won’t let me give up on my dreams.

Which is what brings me to my next point: 2014.

It’s a new year. It means a fresh start. It means I get to put the ugliness behind me and move forward with increasing momentum. It means I get to walk away clean from the No Boundaries Press debacle – Lesson Learned, now time to stand up and dust off my knees. It means not succumbing to the ugliness of the last year, and putting in the past the ills and issues plaguing my friends and family. I’m ready to move away from the negative and step up to embrace the future, whatever it may hold.

I purchased a domain this morning for a new website. It’s not much, but it’s a start. From there, I have every intention of taking over the world.

Wish me luck, kids.