It’s been a minute, I know. I’ve been busy.

While the last month hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park, I’m still hanging on. We’ve suffered through a pair of devastating blows for my family (my grandmother passed away on April 30th after her long-standing journey into Dementia and we found by coincidence that my father’s oldest brother whom I never met passed away back in September after a battle with cancer), my husband got some not-so-good news from one of his doctors (nothing life threatening, but not the best news for us at this juncture), and my husband’s aunt has taken a nose-dive into the last days of her life. Suffice it to say, it’s not been fun.

But that hasn’t stopped me. I’ve been trucking right along to the beat of my weird little drum, and despite the pitfalls I’ve found a place where I can be happy with my world. I’m still writing, still holding on, and still being me. So here’s what I’ve been up to:

1. Devil’s Daughter has received a facelift and a fresh edit. Lydia will once again be in the hands of the world very soon. I’m excited. Cover reveal coming. Stay Tuned.

2. Armageddon Rising is waiting on artwork.  We were hoping to have a release party for it next week, but alas…artwork is not yet mine. [Insert dramatic sigh here.]

3. ConCarolinas is creeping up on us. Next weekend I’ll be in Charlotte, NC with my crazy schedule, my table, and a bunch of rabid George R.R. Martin fans. Aside from the small stint Saturday morning where I’ll be attending my step-daughter’s high school graduation, I’ll be in and out of panels and selling books. Come see me! Schedule is below:


2:30pm – Start To Finish
8:30pm – Romance in Genre Writing


9:00am – Breakfast and Books
12:00pm – Writing for Anthologies II
5:00pm – Spanish Moss and Magic Spells
9:30pm – The Monster in the Closet
11:00pm – The Art of the Sex Scene


10:00am – Spirituality, in my Sci-FI?
2:30pm – Blending Magic with History