Hades Disciples Tour Badge

Mornin’, creeps!

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning and I have a wonderful guest on deck. SSP Author and Spec-Fic brother in arms, Michael West, has stopped by on his super-busy book tour to share some information about his new title and to give us a little insight into how he keeps himself entertained at conventions.

First — The Book


Hades' Disciples

Terrifying creatures exist all around us, hiding in plain sight. Ancient. Deadly. They gather in secret, conspiring, dreaming of nothing less than humanity’s destruction, and their numbers are growing.

Earl Preston knows the danger all too well. After tangling with a horde of mythological sea monsters in Colonial Bay, he has been tasked with finding these beasts and exposing their plans whatever they may be. But Earl is not the only one with a mystery on their hands. At the very top of the world, Carol Miyagi has stumbled onto an artifact from Earth’s past, something magnificent held captive in a prison of ice and snow. Now, Carol and Earl must work quickly to decipher the will of the gods–a plot that defies imagination–and to stop their followers from carrying it out.

They thought the nightmare was over, but they are about to discover that the horror has only begun

Hades Disciples is Book Two in the Legacy of the Gods Series.

Buy It Here:

Amazon Print Version | Kindle Version


Next — Michael’s Top Ten List:
“Favorite ways I amuse myself at conventions.”

1. Sign books. Of course, the best thing about conventions is the chance to sign books for new and faithful readers alike. I love signing copies of my novels for people who’ve read them, and I love recommending new works that people might enjoy.

2. Chat with faithful readers. One of the best things about doing shows is that I get to meet and chat with people who read my stuff. Writing is a solitary art form, and you never know how people will respond to what you are doing until it is out there. I love hearing from people who have enjoyed my work, and hearing what I can do better.

3. Meet with celebrities. Whether it is a convention on writing or a traditional Horror/Sci-fi show, there are always talented people to meet. I’ve had the pleasure to chat with a lot of the writers, actors, directors, and artists that have made the films and television shows that I grew up with, and the stories they have to tell are interesting, and always entertaining.

4. Take pictures. There is so much to see, so many celebrities, costumes, and events…I always come away with a ton of photos.

5. People watch. As a writer, I’m naturally a people watcher. I’m always looking for traits and actions to incorporate into my fiction, things that will make my characters feel more realistic. At a convention, however, everything is utterly fantastic. So many shirts, hairstyles, make-ups and costumes…just when you think you’ve seen everything, something comes along to surprise you.

6. Go to panels/after parties. Before I had any published works, back when I was just a paying attendee of these conventions and not a guest, I used to go to panels, films and parties. Now, many of the panels happen while I am at my table and have to be missed. There are, however, some that take place after hours, when the main halls are closed. I still enjoy going to them, and to the after parties. I have never been to an after party that wasn’t amazing.

7. Chat with my sons / neighbors. I usually have my sons with me at shows, but even if I don’t, I always have neighbors. Whether they are celebrities, artists, or shops, there are always interesting stories to

8. Shop. Of course, one of the benefits of being a celebrity / vendor is that you get to see all the merchandise before the crowds get there. I have found a lot of interesting items and purchased them before the doors even opened over the years.

9. Wander. There is so much to see and do at a convention! Once I have my area set up, and make sure no one needs help, I will walk around and see what’s what.

10. Set up. Normally once I get to a convention, the first thing I do is set up my table or booth. Once I’m finished with that, I will see if anyone else, or perhaps even the organizers, need help. I’ve set up chairs, moved walls, anything that was needed to get the show ready for the masses.


About Michael West

Michael WestMichael West is the bestselling author of Cinema of Shadows, Skull Full of Kisses, The Wide Game, Spook House, and the critically acclaimed Legacy of the Gods series. He lives and works in the Indianapolis area with his wife, their two children, their turtle, Gamera, and their dog, King Seesar.

West avoids manhole covers and sidewalk grates whenever possible. He just doesn’t know what’s down there, and he’s not sure he wants to find out.

Author Links:

Website: http://www.bymichaelwest.com
Twitter: @bymichaelwest
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bymichaelwestpage

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