I was skipping through the archives of my computer the other day and I ran across one of the more amusing moments from my promotional history. This tidbit was originally given to my friend Amy Ravenel for promotion of the first story in the Soul Collectors series, Devil’s Daughter. She sent me the first character interview I ever did, and reading it made me smile. I’m sharing it here for fun (and totally blaming Amy). Enjoy…and while you’re at it, go buy a copy of Devil’s Daughter. It’s a great story at a great price.



Character Interview: Lydia St. Clair

A: Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Lydia St. Clair and I’m a bounty hunter for the Devil. I know that sounds a little cliché, but it’s true. When I was eighteen, I made a pretty sloppy deal with him because I did something stupid. A few years later he came back and I ended up selling my soul to him to make that first deal right.  Think of me as a sort of rogue from Dungeons and Dragons. I can sneak up on people, pick locks, steal things… oh, and my car never runs out of gas. How’s that for awesome?

A: What’s the strangest bounty you’ve ever collected?

Tough question. My first was a Nephilim, which in retrospect was probably the tamest thing I’ve encountered.  Since then there have been some real doozies… vampires, werewolves, a warlock… but the strangest one was probably the necromancer that carried Medusa’s left eye in a jar on a chain around his neck. Lucky for me I didn’t get turned to stone.  The eye is in a mirrored bottle on a shelf in my house. It still freaks me out.

A: What kind of man is the Devil?

He’s the Devil. That’s really the best explanation. Most people think He’s evil but really… well, yeah, He’s evil. But it’s not all hellfire and brimstone like some would have you believe. He’s a smart ass mostly, and He has an agenda. Like with the Nephilim I went after – His methods are pretty underhanded but it probably was for the best that He had me catch the guy. After all, the spawn of a fallen angel with the powers of absolution could cause huge problems in all sorts of areas. Sometimes His actions are for the greater good, but He would never, ever admit it.

A: How do you like to relax and unwind after a tough night?

Relax? Unwind? What are these things you speak of?

Seriously, though, when I finally get free time, I like to spend it with my Dad. Every now and again we get to go fishing – I don’t really like to fish, but I like being out on the lake, and I like being with him. If I don’t have time to blow like that, I’m always good with sitting down on my couch in front of the TV with a bottle of wine and a bag of chips.

A: Now for the fun questions: What is your favorite word?

“No.” I love that word, and there are times when I really wish I could use it more often.

A: What is your favorite color?

Peacock Blue. It makes me happy.

A: Books or movies?

I wasn’t much the reading type when I was a teenager – I was more the get drunk and get laid type. Didn’t remember many movies either because I was usually high as a kite. My favorite movie to sit and watch now is Labyrinth. It’s one of the few things I have from my childhood and it still makes me smile. I still don’t get to read much, but I do have a copy of Gone With the Wind next to my bed.

A: Favorite animal?

I used to love Unicorns until the necromancer sent one after me… now it would probably have to be my cat, Charon. Except when he wakes me up at 3am for food.

A: Why should my readers pick up your story?

Because I’m awesome? Isn’t that reason enough?  No? Oh, all right… people really should read this story because it’s intensely personal. There’s tragedy and triumph, and even some humor in the darkness.  It’s also the beginning of my adventures and it tells a little bit about how I got to be who I am today.

A: Where can they find this book?

Devil’s Daughter is available for $.99 from Amazon right now!