Last week sucked. In a big, nasty, major way. It started with the fact that I came out of a convention and immediately back to work. Then we received the news that one of my good writer friends lost his mother, which broke my heart and sent me into a tailspin of misery. I lost my Dad just over a year ago, so I’m still not out of the woods in the grief department. Knowing how close he and his mother were and how he’s now alone save his sister only compounds the misery. Not for me…for him. I want to sit down and cry for him because in some crazy, misguided way I want to believe that it might possibly help him some. I know when I went through it, I would have paid someone to do some of the crying for me. It hurts, and it sucks.

Then the big news hit and left all of us standing there, reeling in our shoes.

By now I’m sure the masses have heard that No Boundaries Press is closing. Is closed, to be more specific. Everything shut down yesterday. Our rights will be returned to us on Friday. It means as of this moment, I’m almost defunct. But that’s okay. I’m picking up the pieces. I suppose with the situation being what it is I can safely relay my plans for the future and for my currently homeless titles. I’m not one to sit idly by and watch my life crumble around me, so I’ve already taken charge of the situation.

1. Rock N’ Roll Angel – the erotic horror short that was housed in the Splattered Anthology is getting a revamp this week, and hopefully by next week will make its way to the self-publishing circuit. I’ve made some adjustments, created some flashy new cover art (more to come on that later), and even added a bit of stuff I left out of the original.  In addition to that I’ll be self-printing copies for purchase at public appearances.

2. Haunted – will be finding a new home with another publisher as a reprint. Bobby and the dead folk get a facelift and some new edits, and it will be back in everyone’s hot, little hands by the end of July if things work out properly.

3. Devil’s Daughter – ah, now here’s the kicker. As much as I love this story, I’m holding it back for inclusion in possibly a much larger project. Lydia will be back, I promise. I have yet to sort out exactly where Lydia is going and when. As this story develops, I will continue to share.

On that note, I think this calls for a major reboot. Over the next two weeks I intend to overhaul the blog. I’ll be making changes, and over the next two months I’ll even be unleashing my new website on the world. Expect big things from this camp, kids, ’cause they’re coming.

I’ve also been in cahoots with Selah Janel again. We’re working on a few interesting projects together that should rear their ugly heads sometime very soon. But again, I’ll keep you posted.

So long for now, Creeps. I must away to the dungeon. The pen calls!

2 Replies to “Closing Doors and New Opportunities”

  1. That is too bad that No Boundaries press is closing. My name is David L Tamarin I have a story in that SPLATTERED anthology as well congratulations and good luck.

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