Mornin’ Creeps.

It’s been a bit, hasn’t it? As you out there in this digital wonderland might be able to imagine, the closing of my premier publisher has thrown me for a bit of a loop. It was, in a word, frustrating. But it’s perfectly okay… I’m picking up and moving forward, and I’m not going to let it stop me.

I’ve still got a few things alive and kicking, and as long as my name is out in the world, y’all won’t be getting rid of me so easily.

Tomorrow, for example.

I’ll be at the Barnes & Noble at Forest Acres in Columbia, SC for a book signing. Yep, little old me at a real, old-fashioned book signing with tables and pens and real books and everything! In a bookstore no less! Surprised? Yeah. Tell me about it. I’m so giddy I’m about to come out of this chair!

Oh, I should probably give you the details. It’s for this book:

Big Bad Cover

I’ll be there with John Hartness, James Tuck, Jay Requard, Eden Royce, Darin Kennedy, and a host of other contributors to sign copies, talk about the book, and be my usual charming half-redneck self. Come on down! It’ll be a blast.

We’ll be here tomorrow (7/13) from 4:00-6:00 PM:

Barnes & Noble – Midtown at Forest Acres

Richland Fashion Mall

3400 Forest Drive

Columbia, SC 29204

So yeah, y’all should come see me!

I’m also going to be at Fandom Fest in Louisville, Kentucky at the end of the month. Panel schedules aren’t quite complete yet, but you should definitely come check that out as well. It’s going to be a massive ordeal this year. We’ve got Stan Lee, William Shatner, Gene Simmons, and a host of others waiting in the wings from all those popular things like Torchwood, The Walking Dead, and Firefly.  My inner fangirl is about to lose her mind.

More details next week. And now that we’re past the blatant cries for attention and affection portion of this post…

Just a few housekeeping things and I’ll let you get back to your regularly scheduled day:

1. Thunder on the Battlefield – just saw the cover art and it is freaking amazing. I want to blow it up and lay it on the floor and roll around on it.

2. Haunted – Has a new home with Mocha Memoirs Press. Bobby and his demons shall return shortly, folks.

3. I’m still in the running for a spot in Scott Sandridge’s Heroes’ Best Friend anthology too! Miko, my talking feline detective, made it past the first round and may yet have a home after all this time!

4. The Soul Collectors: Still no word from the Seventh Star crew. Devil’s Daughter is part of that, so with the dissolution of NBP, Lydia is homeless for the time being. Don’t worry, kids…she’ll be just fine. She’s got the Devil in her corner, after all.

5. Lost in the Shadows: Remember me talking about a project between Selah Janel and myself? Well, this is it, kids. We’ve put together a collection of about forty short stories from all walks of literary life. We’re talking fantasy, fairies, horror, sci-fi, and all those weird, formless and in-between things. It started as a small project where we were going to self-publish some of the short stuff left over from NBP, and then it grew. We realized we had all this stuff neither of us would likely find homes for, and it’s unusual and interesting and… well, we’re looking at a full-blown book. We’re over 65,000 words and 200 pages at this point and I’m still formatting.  The cover art is complete and we’re down to the compilation wire. If I could just get her to quit writing stories that I feel compelled to respond to, we might actually have a book to give you. We’re coordinating cover reveals and release dates for both eBook and print, so keep an eye out.

So that’s where I am. I toldja I was busy, Margaret!

One Reply to “Where I Am & Where I’ll Be”

  1. I’ll be waving at you from the other side of the country. If you want to forge my signature across the title of my story go ahead. It’s a book of villains after all.

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